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Active members

101 Senegal Dakar / Senegal
Air Saudi Riyadh / Saudi-Arabia
Air Star Cambodia Phnom Penh / Cambodia
Air Star Japan Tokyo Haneda / Japan
Air Star Japan Express Tokyo Haneda / Japan
Asianic Airways Bangkok / Thailand
ELA Airlines Istanbul New / Turkey
Fly Germany Frankfurt / Germany
Global Airgroup Monterrey / Mexico
India Jet Hyderabad / India
Iraq Jet Baghdad / Iraq
Kenya Jet Nairobi / Kenya
Kyiv Jet Kyiv / Ukraine
Las Aerolineas Libertad Argentina Buenos Aires Aeroparque / Argentina
Las Aerolineas Libertad Colombia Bogota / Colombia
Las Aerolineas Libertad Colombia Regionales Bogota / Colombia
Las Aerolineas Libertad Costa Rica San Jose, CR / Costa Rica
Las Aerolineas Libertad Ecuador Quito / Ecuador
Las Aerolineas Libertad Guatemala Guatemala City / Guatemala
Las Aerolineas Libertad Panama Panama City / Panama
Las Aerolineas Libertad Paraguay Asuncion / Paraguay
lena fly Monte Carlo / Monaco
Liberty Caribbean Airways Bahamas Nassau Lynden Pindling International / Bahamas
Liberty Caribbean Airways Barbados Bridgetown / Barbados
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia St. Lucia / Saint Lucia
Malaysia Regio Kuala Lumpur International / Malaysia
MAN AIRWAYS Manchester, GB / United Kingdom
Pedigrino Air Hanoi / Viet Nam
Pedigrino Oceania Honiara / Solomon Islands
Pedigrino Tanzania Zanzibar / Tanzania
Qatarina Airways Doha / Qatar
US Liberty Airways La Guardia / USA Director
US Liberty Airways Amber Cleveland Hopkins International / USA
US Liberty Airways Blue Baltimore / USA
US Liberty Airways Cyan Dallas / USA
US Liberty Airways Green Atlanta / USA
US Liberty Airways International La Guardia / USA
US Liberty Airways Orange La Guardia / USA
US Liberty Airways Regional Commuter La Guardia / USA
US Liberty Airways Regional Service La Guardia / USA

Bei Interesse an einer Mitgliedschaft bitte mit Text in der Spielfunktion bewerben.

In case of interest to join please apply with a message ingame.

Concordia Charter:

Concordia alliance is an alliance of airlines on the server pearls. The main goal of Concordia is to establish the most comprehensive and sustainable network on the server. Alliance partner are supposed to support each other in reaching common goals. Every member should contribute to the success of concordia with all his or hers possibilities. To maintain a given order following common accepted rules apply as a member of concordia:

Integrity/Fair play:
No Concordia Airlines will use any known or unknown bugs in the browser game Ailrinesim. Every unknown bug or unwanted feature detected by one member has to be reported immediately to Airlinesim-Support.
Same applies for any cheating or multi accounting activities.

Terminals to be named Concordia Terminals have to have the highest possible standards

IL Policy:
In Countries where Concordia has one or more airline/s there will be exclusive IL with Concordia Airlines. EU Treaty is treated as one country.

IL requests by Concordia Airlines to other Concordia Airliners shall be accepted as soon as possible if the exists at least on direct connection at one Hub.

Open market countries:
First come first serve principle to be applied. If a Concordia airline would like to open an airline in an open market country where already another Concordia Airline is operativ both partners should agree first on an operational concept before opening the second airline.

Support for third airlines:
Any support for Airlines which are competing to a Concordia Airline is forbidden. Support mean providing cheap aircraft and terminal and logistic capacities. It is clear that one cannot oversee all of his airlines in detail as we have all big airlines. Therefore we expect our members to follow immediately the call for stop of support if one of our members detect such things. Exceptions can be approved by the affected Concordia Airlines.

Each player has just one single Vote, regardless of how many airlines are part of concordia and concordia wings and regardless of how big one particular airline is. Votes for other issues than membership applications in the official application part are counted as non voted after a 7 day period. If one member is on vacation he can name another player who can take his vote for the time of absence.

Apply to become a member

Please select an active enterprise to apply for alliance membership.

up2SKY himalaya and Air Saudi have signed a new interlining agreement.
up2SKY daulat al Kuwait and Air Saudi have signed a new interlining agreement.
Las Aerolineas Libertad Argentina has opened a new station at Tulum.
Pedigrino Tanzania seems to be in financial troubles. To survive its last week-end closing it was granted a rescue loan.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Mexico City.
Fly Germany and Koala Air Australia have signed a new interlining agreement.
Air Saudi and Koala Air Australia have signed a new interlining agreement.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Maturin.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Salvador.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Bonaire.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Boa Vista, BR.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Belo Horizonte International.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Barquisimeto.
VietStar and Asianic Airways have signed a new interlining agreement.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Belem.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Manaus.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Cuiaba.
Serbian Airways and MAN AIRWAYS have signed a new interlining agreement.
Liberty Caribbean Airways Lucia has opened a new station at Medellin Jose Cordova.
Fly Germany extends the capacity of its passenger terminal T2 at Milan Malpensa by 25000 units.